Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas movie review: Christmas Mail

Christmas Mail is apparently also sometimes called We've Got Christmas Mail and I did not enjoy it that much. The main action takes place at a post office when a male mail carrier with custody of his niece is asked to keep an eye on a new post office hire who is supposed to answer all letters to Santa. The mail guy's boss thinks she's a plant from the home office, sent to watch over his branch. Of course, as he "watches" her, they start to fall for each other because this is a Christmas romantic comedy. There's a little more to the story, but quite honestly, I was very bored. The problems were: 1.) no one in this movie could really act and 2.) the lead characters had no chemistry and 3.) they made it seem like this letter writer had some sort of magical powers or maybe was related to Santa but if that was the case, then tell us!! They just seemed to think it would be cute to be vague while I found it added to the boringness. Yuck.

Rating: C

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