Monday, May 31, 2004

Girl With a Pearl Earring

This book by Tracy Chevalier was one of our previous book club choices and I finally saw the movie tonight. It's interesting - as it always is to me - the choices they made when adapting the book into a movie. I always love to note the differences, perhaps because I am a big fan of both books and movies and also because I have screenwriting aspirations. A small but telling difference for me was Vermeer's piercing of Griet's ear, instead of making her do it on her own. It gave them a tender moment to share. Overall, though, I think you are left with a rather vague sense of what went on between the two of them, even more vague than you got in the book. I definitely don't think I would have been able to sit through the movie had I not read the book. One bright spot: Colin Firth with long hair is pretty hot!

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Book Club!

The Pleasure of My Company by the hilarious Steve Martin was chosen as the next must-read for our monthly book club. Although I read it a few months ago, I enjoyed it enough to help recommend it to the others. I am thinking about going with the book-on-CD version this time around because Steve himself does the reading and I think it might be really cool to hear his take on his own book. I'll let you know...


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