Monday, March 19, 2007

Rejected yet again

So my dreams of moving to South Florida and becoming a newspaper librarian have been shattered by a rejection this morning. This one hits really, really hard because I really felt like I fit in there and was so excited about the prospect of doing that for a living. It truly was a dream job for me. But, of course, I heard the ole 'you have no experience' crap yet again. The woman, the library director, had the nerve to imply that it wasn't her decision and she didn't agree with it - and maybe she didn't - but then she could have fought for me a little harder. She is, after all, the library director. Also, she implied that she would love to be a reference for me, should I need one. Umm, what exactly is she going to say to another prospective employer? "Well, I thought she was great.... No, I didn't hire her.... Well, she didn't have any experience.... I'm sure she'd be perfect for your job... Well, right, I didn't think she would be good here... Well, no, I didn't want to give her a chance but that's no reason why you shouldn't...." It's seriously one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

I am so incredibly frustrated by the job search process, I can't even put it in to words. And I guess there is no reason to despair. I mean, I do have an interview on Weds. and some place else just called to set up a phone interview with me. But, I am just really sick to death of hearing that I have no experience. Umm, you saw my resume before you met with me in person. Plus, there is some training period for any new hire, regardless of the experience they have or not. And I would venture to guess that it could be a lot easier to train someone new who is sharp and intelligent than someone with so-called experience who is used to doing things their own way.

Bottom line, though, I suggest never reading anything from The Palm Beach Post ever again. If you did in the first place, that is.

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