Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday again...

Electronic Relations

1. Do you find it easier to talk about touchy subjects over the internet, as opposed to face-to-face or over the phone? Overall, yes. I think I deal better with touchy subjects in writing than I do in person, where I can get really emotional and forget what I want to say. Obviously, the Internet is one way to express my views in writing. However, just because it might be easier doesn't mean it's best!
2. If you had a chance to meet someone that you've only known online in real life, would you? Yes, of course, as long as I liked them online!!
3. Have you ever met someone you originally knew from the internet? Yes. I've had dates with guys I met online. I also met a co-writer from the Web site I used to write for in person.
4. Do you consider any people you know purely through the internet to be your friends? Yes, definitely.
5. How do you feel about having romantic relationships with people you only speak to/know over the internet? I'm not sure exactly what's being asked... I don't think you can have a romantic relationship with someone without knowing them in person but getting to know someone by way of the Internet is certainly possible and could even be preferrable before progressing to a real romantic relationship. Eventually, though, to have a real romantic relationship, I think you have to meet in person.

(questions via)

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