Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas movie review: A Country Christmas Story

A Country Christmas Story features Dolly Parton, but she's just a bit player. Not that you would glean that from any advertising for the movie where she's all over everything. In actuality, Dolly plays herself who is sponsoring a contest for the best child in country music, or something like that, and she only shows up for like the last 20 minutes basically. Our main character, Grace, who comes from a broken home, has decided to learn music and put all her pain into songwriting and guitar-playing. Her mom is not happy because the dad who abandoned the family was a musician so she hates music, or something like that. There's a bunch of drama that I should have had more interest in but for some reason, I didn't. Grace moves out. The dad comes back but doesn't visit Grace. The mom eventually comes around. There are money issues. Grace is selected for the contest. The dad shows up after all. Everyone makes up and hugs and lives happily ever after, it seems.

Over all, I guess the gist of the movie is that music heals families. Maybe? I'm giving it a 'B' rating which is my score for the average Christmas movie because it didn't really hold my interest. As you can probably tell.

Rating; B

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