Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas movie review: Christmas Bounty

Christmas Bounty debuted on ABC Family this year and I wasn't expecting much from it considering one of its stars is Mike "The Miz" Mizanin from The Real World and WWE fame. And I was right, it was worse than I expected, although I have to say that The Miz wasn't actually as bad as I expected.

The plot of the movie is that a young woman who has a history of being a bounty hunter - it's her family business - has given it up and moved to Manhattan and started a new life with a new fiance but somehow gets dragged into one last bounty. Her fiance follows her back home to New Jersey and finds out her secret. Meanwhile, she has to work with The Miz again, her ex-boyfriend who still loves her. There's nothing wrong with the general plotline although the movie is only peripherally a Christmas movie in that it takes place around Christmas but there are no traditional Christmas themes throughout. It's just so poorly written. And acted. And features awful action sequences. I guess it's supposed to be campy and tongue-in-cheek goofy but it's just too too much. Do not watch! But, like I said, I didn't mind The Miz too much. His role was the strong silent type, for the most part.

Rating: D

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