Sunday, November 20, 2005

Where have I been?

So, I had this big 10ish-page paper due Saturday morning so I spent quite some time working on it Thursday and then literally ALL day Friday, too. It was not a fun way to spend a couple of days, but I do actually think it was a pretty good paper. We'll see when the grades come in...

Then, yesterday and today was class from 9-5. Well, more like 9-4:30 but still, it's a long day sitting in class covering topics that we've discussed in detail in other classes. Everyone in my class has whined and complained about the waste of time that is this class and while I agree to some extent, it's hardly the first class I've taken here that has repeated content from another class. In fact, most of the issues overlap in every class.

After class, I spent some time applying at Borders, where I was given over 100 psychological test questions. It was such a pain in the ass. I just want a mall job for the holidays! Who knew it would be so difficult to do that? Ugh. But, I also updated my resume so I can apply for some "real" jobs.

So, yeah, that was my life for the last few days.

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