Friday, December 14, 2012

Traveling Gingerbread Man

On behalf of my niece, my sister-in-law sent me a gingerbread man made of paper who was "visiting" and I was supposed to take pictures of him and show what he did while he was with me. I guess this is in the tradition of Flat Stanley.
Well, obviously, living in Washington, DC, gave me a million options but I decided to stick with Arlington since that is where I spend 99% of my time. So, here are the pictures I took of Gingey... at the Iwo Jima Memorial, at Arlington Cemetery, at the Netherlands Carillon, looking over the river to the DC landmarks and then, amazingly, as I was walking past the gate to Fort Myer to go back to my car, s Santa appeared out of nowhere and said he saw me taking pictures and wondered if I wanted to have one with him too.
Seriously, it was crazy. But the pictures are kinda cute. It's a little tough to take a picture with my phone and hold a gingerbread man at the same time.

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