Thursday, April 30, 2009

"It's Official: Disney Joins Hulu"

This is the best TV news I've heard in awhile! I was going to post about it a month or so ago when it was just a rumor but this is even better! I watch a lot of TV online and Hulu has, by far, the best platform for watching shows. I rarely have loading problems or picture problems when I'm watching Hulu and I cannot say the same for the ABC/Disney platform. Plus, the ability to queue videos, to set subscriptions so the newest episodes automatically queue, to embed videos or parts of videos (whatever parts you choose!) into your web site or share with others via email.... there are really a zillion things to love about Hulu and since I do watch a ton of ABC or ABC Family shows, it will just be great. The other small benefit here is that while all the platforms show short ads, with Hulu it automatically connects back to the program after the ad. The current Disney platform requires the user to "Click to Continue," which is kind of a pain in the butt. I just hope with all the added programming (and presumably users), there won't suddenly be viewing problems. (via)

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