Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Job news, chapter 193

I had a phone interview today with a database company in Durham, NC. I think it went pretty well. The woman was very nice and I felt we got along. Plus, all my coworkers have biographies online so I was able to read a little bit about them and also see their pictures and many of them seem like we could get along well... if you can tell that sort of thing from a 100-word bio.

I saw this post about "How to Ace a Phone Interview" yesterday and thought it might help me, but it didn't really. Most of the tips were things I already do (keep notes nearby) or had already ruled out (dressing up for the interview as if it was in-person). But what was mentioned pretty frequently and that I'd never heard or considered before was that one should stand up while doing the interview. I thought about it and again, decided no. If it was an in-person interview, you wouldn't stand. I must do okay on phone interviews as I would guess I've parlayed approximately 66% of them into in-person second interviews.

And, speaking of which, I have an in-person second interview at a New Jersey book vendor next Monday, 4/16. I was kind of gung ho on Boston or Washington DC for a long time but I'm starting to get kind of excited about the prospect of moving to New Jersey. Or Durham. Either place wouldn't be so bad. Durham has nicer weather, of course. And one of my best friends lives there. But New Jersey is less than an hour from New York City!

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