Thursday, December 14, 2006

"ABC To Stream Hot Topics From The View"

This article (via TV Tattle) mentions that ABC will start airing "snippets" from Hot Topics but it doesn't say when it starts. That's kind of a good idea, although it's the only interesting part of the show and might affect viewership if people don't have to catch it at 11am. I know if I've got the TV on and am doing nothing or getting ready to go out (as it was the time I typically got ready to go to campus over the last year) and it's that time, I'll usually tune in to her what current events they are discussing. And then turn it off when it's time for the interviews to start because I think those interviews have to be the worst, most kiss-ass, least informative interviews on all of TV. Maybe they've gotten better with Rosie there, but I can't say for sure. The other thing, though, is that I don't think it's difficult to find snippets on YouTube.

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