Thursday, November 16, 2006

Feeling better about turning down the offer

Immediately after I turned down the job offer I got last week, I started to regret it and think that I had made a mistake. As was evidenced in this post from the other day... However, after talking to one of my friends yesterday and explaining to him why I didn't take it, I felt like my points were really valid and that maybe I did make the right decision after all. He seemed to agree with me despite the fact that both of us are desperately searching for jobs still and keep saying we'll take anything.

The other reason I'm starting to feel better about the whole thing is that they reposted the job opening on Craigslist and they really downgraded the expectations. It no longer says anything about even needing a Master's degree and they will in fact consider someone with only an Associate's degree! No longer does it say 'Librarian' but it merely says 'Library Assistant'. I'm sure they did this to potentially get more interested candidates, but also, if they are willing to downgrade the educational requirements so much, then clearly they realize that you do not need a Master's degree to do the job. That was one of my 'cons' on my list when debating what to do, too. I felt that I was smarter than the job.

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