Thursday, October 27, 2005

I'm back and that calls for some total randomness

So I vow to do a better job of posting on my blog again. I don't know why, I just vow to do so.

And now the random news of my life:

- I am never home on Thursday nights at 10pm because I'm almost always at the bar but I have had a splitting headache all day so I decided to stay in tonight. There is NOTHING on TV right now, so I'm watching some ABC news mag that is detailing a constantly fighting married couple from Rochester. Do I care? No. Yet I watch... Why did the World Series have to end so fast?

- When I get a chance, I am going to try to make a few changes on this site, changes that I've learned from my Information Architecture class.

- I applied for my first library job today. I STILL don't really have an internship but I applied for a job anyway! It's a little backwards, but that's me.

See you soon!

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