Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election coverage...

I'm so nervous about the election as the results roll in and no resolution in sight. This stuff about Florida maybe needing until THURSDAY to count all their votes and the fact that Ohio (!) is just about dead-even. Oy oy oy. Give me a heart attack, why don't you?

I got home from school about 9:00 and had two hours of coverage to catch up on and it went remarkably fast. Fast-forward through all the local coverage. Fast-forward through 99% of the interviews. Fast-forward through some of the polling problems. I was all caught up by about 10:30. Not bad. At that point, I was able to start channel-surfing, which I much prefer for this kind of thing.

(11:18 pm) So, how sad is it that I'm preferring to watch MTV's election coverage rather than CNN's while Tom and Tim take a break for local news? Who decided to give Larry King a spot during the election coverage? Where is Anderson? Also, I have not even turned CBS on once. Not once.

Hey! Tom just called Ohio "Florida's twin." I don't like that, Brokaw.

(11:34 pm) Seriously, I cannot change the channel fast enough when Karen Hughes comes on.

(11:40 pm) Hmm, ABC and CBS have given Florida to Bush. But no one else is. Fox News has Kerry way behind in votes compared to the others. I can't figure out which state(s) they won't give to him.

(12:32 am) NBC just had a reporter on the phone from Gambier, OH, home of Kenyon College, where we heard from a student that he has been in line for nearly 10 hours! Ten hours. Kudos to him for waiting that long but yo, that's crazy. They said they only have TWO voting booths for everyone in the city and the campus. I hope the people still in line are Kerry supporters, but I don't know if it will make a difference...

(12:36 am) Oh no. Jennings just announced he was going to be chatting with Ken Blackwell in a few moments. That is not a good thing. That man is evil.

(12:50 am) Blackwell was all right. According to TV Newser, Fox News gave Ohio to Bush. Here is the network that was hesitant to call any Kerry states early, yet they jump out quickly to give Ohio to Bush way before any other network. Therefore, he for all intents and purposes is the winner by their counts. I'm not doubting it, but just commenting on how eager they are to give it to Bush. I think I want Kerry to win Ohio just to prove them wrong now...

(12:59 am) Brokaw does it too. What is wrong with the country? MSNBC JUST gave Alaska to Bush also. So it's over. I'll repeat, what is WRONG with this country?

(1:19 am) I like how optimistic Wolf Blitzer is - he remarks that there are times in American history when people went to bed and woke up to find something completely different happened. Okay, Wolf. I do have to say that I like the CNN graphics with the constant running totals, though. Anyway, they've given New Hampshire to Kerry, which marks the first state that has switched from 2000.

(1:37 am) Hey! I don't think my vote has been counted yet. Mr. Head of the Republican Party in Ohio mentioned on NBC that 24,000 some odd absentee and provisional ballots from Cuyahoga County will be counted in 11 days. Does that mean mine? According to Blackwell, the absentee ballots get counted first. Who is right? (I imagine Blackwell knows better than Republican Party guy.)

(1:41 am) Blackwell is on CNN now being interviewed by Wolf, saying the same stuff he told Peter Jennings. He takes offense at being compared to Florida, too, though. Ohio is NOT Florida. For one thing, all of our senior citizens have moved to Florida. Uh oh. Wolf just implied Ken will be come the 'Kathryn Harris' of 2004.

(1:49 am) Like the second time I turn CBS on all night and who is Rather interviewing? Ken Blackwell. He is flubbing his words, though. I guess he's tired of repeating the same things over and over and over. CBS, though, has not declared Ohio either way and has also given Kerry Minnesota, but not New Hampshire yet.

(2:28 am) Edwards makes an appearance. "We've waited four years, we can wait one more night" and "Every vote will be counted." That was about it, not counting some thumbs-up signs. Yep, dude, that's what you would be doing for four years if you guys win.

(2:30 am) Wolf just announced Michigan for Kerry.

(2:32 am) I just noticed that Kerry got 90% of the vote in D.C. Why is that? Why is DC so Democratic? Oh, now Wolf is giving Minnesota to Kerry as well. Umm, CBS did that an hour ago... Iowa won't be announced until tomorrow, I guess. Well, later today, I think they mean.

(2:34 am) Okay, now Wolf is declaring Hawaii for Kerry. This is kind of a joke, the way they are about ready to call it a night and then suddenly bim-bam-boom three states. These old farts on CNN are half-asleep. Seriously. Larry King sounds like he's drunk. And the mic keeps cutting out.

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