Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lebron James stalking

The pride of Northeast Ohio, Lebron James, is making the TV talk show rounds to promote his new book and upcoming movie. He'll be on The View on Monday and Late Show with David Letterman on Tuesday night (with former President Bill Clinton so that will be a good show all around). Then he'll fly to Los Angeles and show up on Jay Leno's new 10pm show and Jimmy Kimmel Live on Friday.

I'll be watching them all, of course, but I hope they don't all go like his appearance on The Daily Show (see clip below), which was full of wooing. Uh no. Thankfully Jon didn't have much to offer.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
LeBron James
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

After that, he'll return to Cleveland for Training Camp! I'm really excited about this season and already have plans to go see the team a few times this season.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Traveling, traveling

I do enjoy traveling but I feel like I've been away from home forever. A month ago today, I got back from a family vacation in South Carolina (so I was gone a whole week before that) and in that month, I went to New York City for four days for a wedding, made a road trip to rural Virginia with some friends, and went to Chicago twice for work. Plus, my brother and his family came to visit for 4 days so I spent a few days touring DC with them so even though I was home, it still felt like I was playing tourist for that weekend, too. All my trips were pretty fun. It pretty much rained the entire time in Hilton Head, SC, but at least it was really relaxing. New York City was amazing - the first time I'd been there. Even Chicago turned out okay. This last trip I got to hang out with my college roommate for a few hours. I took a ton of pictures that I may link to eventually but I'm really looking forward to having a few weekends of relaxation and staying at home and getting things back to normal! My next trip is three weeks from today - I'll be heading back to Cleveland for 5 days.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

SpeedCine - The Fast Way to Find Legal Movies Online

One of the librarian email lists that I'm on sent around something about this site, SpeedCine, which lets you search and browse for free movies available online. Once you find a movie, it tells you where you can find it online, either for free or for a fee. It's pretty cool. I can see it being useful. It even contains direct links so you can get right to the movie.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

"Tiny librarian is hell on wheels"

Cute story with video about a librarian in Akron, OH, who is also a Roller Derby girl. My favorite part of the story is that her number on her playing jersey is "796.21 -- the Dewey Decimal library index number for skating." Heh.