Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Bought a Laptop!

Yes, it's very exciting news to me because I've never had a laptop before, even though I've wanted one for years and even though it would have come in really handy when I was in grad school. Instead, I've been stuck to a desk anytime I wanted to use my computer for the last 10 or 12 years, however long I've owned a PC. Right now the plan is to keep the desktop too but since it's from 2002 (or 2003 maybe?), it's quite a few years old and I'm guessing the laptop is going to be so much quicker and faster and exciting and, of course, portable! So it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that I stop using my desktop. Anyway, it seemed like a good deal and I have tax refund money so I finally broke down and bought it. It's supposed to arrive on April 8th. Oh, and you're welcome, economy.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Turned Away

So I'm a big Coke drinker (Coke Zero actually). Anyone who knows me probably already knows this. For work, I've taken to buying 2 liters and keeping them in my office since we have ice readily available and then instead of spending about $1.50 per 12 ounces at the little convenient store in our building, I'm spending about $1.50 for a 2 liter that generally lasts me a week. The problem is that since I don't drive to work anymore, that means I either have to carry the 2 liter on my 10 minute walk to the subway (not very desirable since I'm not kind of a wuss) or I make an occasional trip to work on the weekends and drop off some 2 liters. The latter is what I planned to do today. A grocery store here is selling all its 2 liters for 10 for $10 so I stocked up and thought I would drop like 4 or 5 off at work. Otherwise, they sit in my car. I armed myself with four 2 liters and headed into the building carefully (that's heavy!) and when I got up to our office, I couldn't get in! We have three doors and the door entry code would not work on ANY of the doors. Ugh, I was so frustrated. Usually, the only time we change the door code is when someone leaves and considering I was at work until 6:30pm Friday night, I'm pretty positive no one just up and quit over the weekend. So what's the deal? I'm really annoyed. I came home and checked my work email and there isn't even an answer there. The only thing I can guess is that somehow the daylight savings switch affected it? Who knows? But I do know that all our office bigwigs are out of town until Thursday at a seminar so I can hope that this means we won't be able to come into the office for three days. Maybe?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Obama at the Wizards game

My friends & I went to the Wizards-Bulls game on Friday night (see proof here) and also there was President Obama! Very exciting, no? I think he got more applause every time he arrived and/or left than the team did, even though they pulled out a rare victory. Here's my pic of him, although it is probably difficult to tell which one he is even when you click on it and enlarge it. (Hint: He's in the front row wearing all black and sitting next to some kid.)

So, here are some links to some people with better shots of the event... here, here and here.