Wednesday, February 28, 2007

To Florida for Spring Break

I've got an interview in Palm Beach, Florida, the week after next so I get to go to Florida in mid-March! I think it is actually during my spring break, although I'm sure I won't have time to hit the beach. Or to go to a spring training baseball game. I'll be there Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. And, the best part, the company is paying for it all. I'm really psyched!

American Idol Tuesday

Did anyone else think it was weird that in a show where they were supposed to "dedicate" a song to someone, Jared Cotter chose to dedicate "Let's Get it On" to his parents? I was highly amused by that.

Overall, I think the guys obviously did better than last week. I think that Nick Pedro, Jared or AJ Tabaldo will probably be the two guys going home - not necessarily because they were the worst singers last night, but because they are lacking personality and storylines. I mean, come on, did we even see Jared before last week? Or AJ, even though he's apparently tried out five times! Personally, though, I'd like to see Sanjaya and Sundance heading home. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

Bob Woodruff special

Last night, ABC aired the first report from journalist Bob Woodruff, who was the victim of a bomb attack when he was in Iraq last year. He had severe brain injuries, was unconscious for 36 days but has made a major recovery. His special told of his recovery as well as served to show how many wounded soldiers there are, what kind of care they are getting (or not getting) and basically how the government is covering up all of the injuries. It was a really interesting piece. You can watch it here.

Create a Dollhouse out of Your Home

FAO Schwarz will miniaturize your home and turn it into a dollhouse for your child - with a starting price of $10,000! My dad did this exact thing for me one Christmas when I was little. It was ultra cool and an excellent replica - the only problem was that he never really finished it (although that actually makes it more realistic, since there are many elements of our home that are still not finished) so I never used it. I don't even know what became of it. I also know that it took him some time and effort but nowhere near $10,000! (via)

I'm not the only one who loves Minesweeper

As a former Minesweeper addict (with the 'former' easily turning into a 'current' again should I ever have a job where I'm restricted to a cubicle again) not to mention a Minesweeper expert, I enjoyed skimming this history of Minesweeper and am glad to see it is included in the new Microsoft Vista software. I did not know there were competitive Minesweeper sites, though, and might have to check them out. My scores on Minesweeper always kicked ass. More than one person has been impressed by my best times! (via)

Friday, February 23, 2007

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

The new game show that is debuting on FOX this week pits fifth graders against, well, older people. This article lists some sample questions. I got 9 out of 10 right, so I was pleased with myself. (via)

I Want One: Heat-Emitting Mouse

No joke, this is probably one of the best inventions ever. This mouse emits heat so your hands (well, one hand anyway) stay warm while you're using the computer. Seriously, way cool for someone who always has cold hands. It's only $23, too!

In a funk

I don't know what it is but I've been in kind of a funk the last couple of days. Not even going out shopping this afternoon really cheered me up! Macy's had a pretty good sale, with all marked down items an extra 50% off and even if I don't buy anything, seeing and trying on pretty new things usually makes me feel a little better but not really today.

I did have an enjoyable visit to Half Price Books, though. Y'all can make fun of me but I bought the Britney Spears Greatest Hits CD and Pink's debut CD. Both cost $1.00. What a deal, right? I love Half Price Books.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Free Mammograms

I know I've seen this site before and have participated but it is important to remember to do so more often. Click on the 'Fund Free Mammograms' block to help provide a free mammogram to women in need. It can be done every single day! I think I'll add a link on my sidebar.

Studio 60 likely never coming back

NBC show Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip was pulled from the schedule early - it was supposed to stop airing next week but instead aired its last episode yesterday - and the rumors are that it will likely not come back, not even for the final six episodes it was guaranteed. I watched the show and didn't mind it (primarily because I'll watch Matthew Perry do anything!) but this article does a really good job at hitting at what the show's problems were. (via)

Ah, sweet Colby

My all-time favorite Survivor contestant, Colby Donaldson, from Season 2: The Australian Outback (yes, the same season that brought us The View's Elisabeth and Reality TV's "queen" Amber Brkich Mariano) has apparently lined up a gig on The Rachael Ray Show. Ugh. I detest Rachael Ray. She is so annoying. I actually saw that he was supposed to be on today and debated about whether seeing him was higher on my 'to do' list than 'Avoid Rachael Ray.' In fact, the latter was higher and I did not tune in (plus, I forgot) but now that I see he is going to be on regularly, well, I'm just not sure what to do. He's so cute!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Science vs. Faith flowcharts

I saw these flowcharts online and they really made me laugh, especially the step "Ignore contradicting evidence" in the faith one. Also, they totally made me think of some of my very agnostic friends. (via)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Cool site? Healthline Symptom Search

I've actually tried to find something like this before and had no luck so I'm happy to find this site that allows you to put in symptoms that you are feeling and it makes some suggestions as to what your illness could be. For instance, I put in 'headache' and got 129 possible illnesses, including, of course, just a simple pain in the head. Identifying a health disorder based on symptoms seems the best way to go about finding out what might be wrong. (via)

Out of Town the last few days

So in case anyone was wondering where I was for the last few days, I was out of town for job interviews! I went to Washington DC for an interview with a law firm and also to attend a job fair at a public library.

I think the interview at the law firm went pretty well and I really would like the job so it's kind of exciting. I think he liked me but well, for one thing, I'm trying to prevent getting too excited about anything job-related nowadays. And, also, you never know even if they like you, it doesn't mean they don't like someone else better. But it would be a great learning opportunity for a few years that could lead to me going elsewhere as a real skilled law librarian. It's an awesome location too, directly across the street from a Metro stop in downtown DC, in a beautiful, gorgeous office.

The job fair, however, was kind of a waste of my time. I knew that they were also accepting applications by mail and could have just called to have an application sent to me but I really felt showing up in person would be beneficial. However, they barely wanted to speak to me and seemed not impressed at all that I had traveled from Ohio to see them. But, who knows? Maybe it did help and I will get a call for an interview in a few weeks.

Aggravated with a capital 'A'

My first assignment for my one class was given back to me graded today. And, umm, I'm aggravated because even though I got an okay grade on it (95/100), she made ALL these grammatical "corrections" on it and they weren't even correct! I think pretty much the first rule of grammar that we all learned as youngsters was to match the subject to the verb; in other words, if your subject is plural, so should your verb be plural. Maybe I've been wrong all these years... but in my experience, "Options are: a, b, c and d." is more correct than "Options is: a, b, c and d." She made these kinds of "corrections" at least three times in my two-page paper! I just don't understand... am I supposed to point out to her that she is an idiot? Probaby not, right? I also might be more accommodating of her corrections if her lectures each week weren't chock-full of typos and grammatical inaccuracies. Like, how dare she even feel she has the right to comment on my grammar with the way she butchers it every week in her lectures. Also, I don't think she is a native English speaker so maybe she might want to refrain from correcting those who are native English speakers... UGH!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

American Idol in Hollywood

Did anyone watch tonight's American Idol who also watched the Grammy Awards and noticed that the girl who won that 'My Grammy Moment' American Idol ripoff and got to sing with Justin Timberlake also had made it to the Hollywood round... but got sent home tonight. But she got about two seconds of air time, in the group round, she was in the group with Sundance Head. It was two girls and Sundance; Sundance got to stay but the two girls were both sent home.

I had read this article earlier today and figured that because of her evasiveness, she had clearly made it to Hollywood. Obviously if she was still in the running for Idol, she probably wouldn't have even been able to try for the Grammy contest. So I imagined she would get sent home. A lot of people get sent home without us ever seeing them on camera, though. Anyway, I think she'd probably agree that things worked out well for her, at least so far. She sounded pretty good with Justin. You can see them perform from here. (You have to click on the link that says Justin Duet Video). She also cleans up nice!

Day Ten of 10 days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes:

Two for Tuesday. Two quizzes, two very similar responses!!

Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"

You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.
You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)
Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic
What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays
Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get

Your Candy Heart Is "WHAT EVA"

Valentine's Day makes you a little sick
And not just from eating too much candy
You're opposed to the commercial celebration of couple-dom
It's not all about love - and love is not all about overpriced flowers!

Speaking of soaps...

Starting this summer, SoapNet has announced it is going to offer its first original, scripted program - a spin-off of General Hospital called General Hospital: Night Shift. It will follow some of the characters on General Hospital as they work the night shift. The ones who actually work at the hospital, I presume.

Yeah, just what I need. Like I haven't been addicted to General Hospital for twenty years already, now you have to add another show with some of the same characters? You KNOW I'm going to tune in, at least at first. But if it really is the same characters, won't their storylines in the daily serial conflict with their storylines in the once-a-week 13-episode series?(via)

ABC TV Online

Always one to share the latest news on the online television front with you, I read today that ABC is going to be adding to their broadband player over the next few months. Already the best one out there (in my opinion), they announced last week that they are going to offer two more size options for viewing (including a full-screen view - yay!). Now they've announced they are also going to offer local and national news, as well as local entertainment. Whatever "local entertainment" means. If only they added their soaps to it...(via)

3D HD?

Apparently, according to this article, this year's NBA All-Star Game (which airs this Sunday) will be shown not just in High Definition but in 3-D HD. So, if you have a pair of 3-D glasses, it will be an extra special experience for you. Now, I am kind of confused if this special 3-D airing will only be to a select audience or if I would be able to see it in 3-D if I find a pair of 3-D glasses by this weekend (and where would I do that?), but the whole concept is kind of cool. I mean, already with HDTV, I watched the Cavs-Lakers game on Sunday and felt like Lebron actually might pass the ball to me, it was so close and clear. (via)

Monday, February 12, 2007

Day Nine of 10 days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes

Wood? No comment.

Your Love Element Is Wood

In love, you tend to gently dominate and guide your partner.

For you, love is all about sharing goals and future plans.

You attract others with creativity and vision.

Your flirting style is defined by your honesty and assertiveness.

Growth and improvement are the cornerstones of your love life.

You may focus on goals too much in relationships, but you never come out of them with a loss.

You connect best with: Water

Avoid: Metal

You and another Wood element: will be doomed to a stormy relationship

The Fug Girls are Dead On About Carrie Underwood

I love reading Go Fug Yourself because they are usually hysterical when describing celebrity fashion disasters. Today, they totally captured my thoughts about Carrie Underwood and her apparel choices from last night's Grammy Awards. Her red carpet dress - GORGEOUS! It was so beautiful, but then those things she wore to perform? Hideous. The green one was better than the black one but it looked like it was made of paper and what were those huge flowers falling off the end of the sleeves all about? The black dress? Ugh, I have no words.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day Eight of 10 days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes:

Your Love Song Is

Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson

"Maybe you've been through this before

But it's my first time so please ignore

The next few lines cause they're directed at you

I can't always be waiting, waiting on you

I can't always be playing, playing your fool"

You've been waiting for love, and you're not going to wait any longer!

Book Sale

The library in my city had their annual book sale this weekend. Today, being the last day, was $2.00 bag day, meaning (obviously) that whatever you could fit in your bag cost $2.00. Here is a picture of all the books my mom and I got for our $2.00. I'd say we got our money's worth, no?

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Homework done!

My first assignment for either of my classes was due today and I got it done with lots of time to spare! I felt so accomplished all day without it hanging over me. The sad thing, though, is that it was a small one-page review of a Web search engine (Rocketinfo). Next week, in that same class, I have an 8-12 page case study due. And the following week, I have an 8-10 page paper due on the same search engine for the paper today. That last thing is going to be such a bitch because umm, well, there is nothing to report on that search tool. I've hunted high and low and found very little information about the tool. Good thing that I know how to babble...

Day Seven of 10 Days of Valentine's Day-Themed Quizzes

Cancer - Your Love Profile

Your positive traits:

You're intuitive enough to know what's going wrong in a relationship early on

A total sweetheart - you're often the most caring person anyone knows

You are a generous and devoted parter to whoever you fall in love with

Your negative traits:

Insecurity - you tend to need a huge amount of comforting from your partner

You tend to be overly sensitive and easily hurt, which make loving you difficult

It's difficult to predict your moods. One minute you're up - the next you're down.

Your ideal partner:

Someone equally sensitive, who wants to take time to get to know you deeply

Dreams of an everlasting love - complete with marriage and a family

Loves to take care of you. Being a good cook and masseuse doesn't hurt!

Your dating style:

Slow. You enjoy dates that last all day, with plenty of time to talk and get to know one another.

Your seduction style:

Quite tender and loving, once you are comfortable in your relationship.

Coy. You tend to play it cool to drive your lover wild.

Orally talented - you're known as the best kisser in the zodiac.

Tips for the future:

Be a little less sensitive. Not every little mistake should hurt you.

Spend time away from your partner every so often - independence is a good thing.

Find ways to take care of yourself. You'll be happier if you put yourself first.

Best color to attract mate: Aqua

Best day for a date: Wednesday

Friday, February 09, 2007

Job News Bonanza

THREE potential employers contacted me today so wow, what a good day! I have a phone interview on Monday morning with a newspaper library in South Florida. I'm really excited about that because a news library is probably my dream job. South Florida, not so much, but I can definitely think of a lot worse places to live! Then, someone from National Geographic contacted me about a job I applied for, an apparently way entry-level (therefore, I'm kind of overqualified for it and probably won't be happy with the salary) job, but we are going to talk about it more on Monday afternoon. And finally I heard from a law firm in the Washington DC area. They are interested but wanted to know if I'm actually in the DC area currently and if not, when am I planning to relocate? I emailed them back but never heard anything else. Hopefully that just means they left early on a Friday afternoon and not that they are no longer interested.

It wasn't all good news. I did get a rejection email too.

Day Six of 10 Days of Valentine's Day-Themed Quizzes

My cynicism is low? Umm, no.

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is high.

You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.

And in return, you expect the same from who you love.

Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.

You've loved, lost, and loved again.

You have had a wide range of love experiences.

And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is medium.

You tend to be the one with more power.

You aren't a total control freak in relationships..

But of course you don't mind getting you way!


Your cynicism is low.

You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.

No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.

You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.

And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is medium.

In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."

You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.

But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Survivor Fiji, Episode 1

The new season of Survivor started tonight and I thought I would give my early impressions. How unbelievable is that camp of luxury, with a toilet and a separate kitchen area and now, after winning the challenge, actual silverware and plates, not to mention a COUCH! I wonder which camp they'll choose when they merge, ha ha... I was with Erica when she expressed disbelief that no one on her losing tribe seemed too upset about having to go to the crappy camp; yet, I guess the living conditions are no worse than they expected when they signed up for Survivor. I don't get it, though - are the tribes going to stay on these islands indefinitely or will they have to relocate every time they lose?

As for the contestants, I have little to say. They are all so indiscernible to me right now. I barely know anyone's name. There's something about Erica I don't trust (maybe because she was too busy forming an alliance only ten minutes into the game) and I can't imagine her lasting long. I do like Anthony, only because he's cute not from any impression I made during the episode. However, what is an "expert witness locator"? One can make a living at that? Most of the guys seemed decent enough, although Dreamz seems a bit much to take. It was smart of Sylvia to split up Dreamz and Rocky after their fight during the night. Speaking of Sylvia, how sucky is it to go to Exile Island with all those snakes and then she can't even kill time by looking for the immunity idol since it's back at camp! Yuck! Not even that lookout point was safe from the snakes, either. But at least she didn't have to worry about getting voted out, and she would have likely been the top candidate had she been there since she's older (and presumably weaker). I wonder if she'll tell anyone that the idol is at camp. At least the losing team tonight has island expert Yao Man on their team. I don't even know who to pick as a possible favorite to win right now but I'm going to go with Earl. I have no idea why, just a hunch.

Cool site? Retail-Me-Not

I've been a huge fan of BugMeNot for years. It provides usernames and passwords for many Web sites (primarily newspaper sites) that require you to create an account to access content. If you don't want to create your own account, go to BugMeNot, type in the URL and there is likely a variety of options of usernames and passwords to try.

Well, now they have RetailMeNot. This site finds store coupons and special offers for you, just by you typing in the URL of the store you are shopping at. I'm not sure how complete it is but I do like the simplicity of it, especially if you know exactly where you want to buy something. I'm going to keep it in mind for the future.

"Quick Change" Patent Revealed

Over the summer, there was that horrific show on NBC called America's Got Talent. It had Regis Philbin as host and Brandy, David Hasselhoff and some British twit as the judges... it was kind of like The Gong Show meets American Idol. Anyway, there was this pair on there who call themselves "Quick Change." They do a magic trick, with the gist of it being a woman changes her clothes like 10 times in a span of about 2 minutes. It's pretty amazing to watch. Here it is on Youtube. Well, of course everyone watches it and is kind of stumped as to how they do it. You know that the woman must be wearing all the costumes at once and just peel them off very quickly... or something... but even that doesn't seem to make sense when you watch it.

Last week, they were on Oprah and she was duly impressed, just as pretty much everyone is the first time they see it, and wondered how it was done. The man, David, mentioned that no one is able to figure it out and then said that he had a patent for the "effect." Well, say no more, I went right to the Google Patent Search (after first finding out his last name) and here is his patent! It's called a "convertible costume construction". Now, I couldn't exactly make one for myself but I get the general gist from skimming the patent that indeed she is wearing all the clothes at once and he's developed ways to remove the costumes quickly using "rapidbly disconnectable fastening means".

Day Five of 10 Days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes

Today is a two-for-one deal! And, Usher showed up on BOTH lists! I better start going to some Cavs games!

Who's My Celebrity Love Match?

The Boy Next Door: Matt Damon

When it comes to love, you're looking for a man with "white picket fence" potential: the guy who will compliment your mom, helps clean the dishes and could melt the polar ice caps with his smile. He's not always perfect and can be a tad too predictable at times, but you'll love the fact that he's got a dependable job, coaches Little League on the weekends and still finds time to let you know how much he loves you. He's more "apple pie" than "devil's food cake" -- but that means the last thing he'll want to do is break your heart.

Other matches: Usher, Zach Braff, John Cusack, Michael J. Fox, Denzel Washington

Who's My Rock Star Boyfriend?

Lenny Kravitz, the Lady-Killer

This man has silk sheets on his bed. Whether they're for him or for you, you'll never quite be sure, but you can enjoy them anyway, right? Rose petals? Check. Knee-buckling sex appeal? Check. Total devotion? For a few nights, sure. This rockin' romancer may not be marriage material, but when he gives you that searing look through the stage spotlights, you're putty in his hands. He's a ladies man and you, you're a lady. Swoon.

Other matches: Usher, Frank Sinatra, Kanye West, Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Mick Jagger, LL Cool J

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Never leave the toilet

Umm, it's kind of gross to think that someone would want or need to do all these things while sitting on the toilet but check out this toilet you can try to win. It has, among other things, a computer, a Tivo, a fridge, pedals for exercising, a megaphone, a laptop... (via)

Day Four of Ten Days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes

Last year, I took the "What Sign is Your True Love" test and got Taurus. This test is the opposite and says to avoid dating Capricorn. Okay. But I'm pretty sure I've read elsewhere that Cancer and Capricorn is a really good match. This also suggests good matches with Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. I have dated a Gemini and a Leo and they were okay, nice guys but just not right.

Never Date a Capricorn

Somber, demanding, and freakishly logical. Emotions? It's not clear that Capricorn has them.
And while it may be flattering for a Capricorn to be serious about you, bad news: they expect you to be super serious in return.

Instead try dating: Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, or Virgo

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

"Other door"

How funny was it that they did a little bit on American Idol tonight regarding the "other door." It totally made me laugh that they acknowledged that. I think that was the theme of the auditions - the judges telling the wannabes to go out the other door. It was so annoying to me during the first four or five episodes - I mean, geez, if you are going to keep a door locked, then put something in front of it so everyone doesn't try use it! Tomorrow's show is the last of the audition episodes, thank god. I really hate the audition round.

Mark Your Calendars - Next Year's Calendars, That is

The next installment of the Indiana Jones movies is due to hit theaters May 22, 2008! I want to see that. (via)

Day Three of 10 days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes:

What does my birth date say about my love life? It says that I'm going to have my heart broken FOUR times! That means I'm due at least two more heart-breakings? Wow, something to look forward to. Also, I don't think I've ever dated anyone born on the 8th, 17th or 26th so maybe that's where I've gone wrong. Ironically, I have dated people born on the 9th, 18th and 25th... so very close yet so far.

Your Birthdate: June 26

You love being in love... so much so that it's very hard for you to be single.

Unfortunately, it's difficult for you to stay in love over time. Too many people intrigue you!

Only your true love will be able to keep you interested over time.

Number of True Loves You'll Have: 2

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 4

You are most compatible with people born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th of the month.

Monday, February 05, 2007

New shoes! New shoes!

I got a new pair of Land's End shoes recently (adorable, right?)... actually, I got a pair for Christmas in the true navy color and they were too big. Instead of sending them back to Land's End to return, we realized that Sear's carries Land's End products and accepts mail-order returns and exchanges. Well, then there is no shipping charge to send them back! So I went to the nearby Sear's Grand store a couple weeks ago but they didn't have any in my size. Last weekend, I went to a regular Sear's store and not only did they have my size, but the shoes were $15 cheaper! I bought a pair in black, though, because it was either that or flame orange. And I thought I liked the black best of all anyway. Well, I told my mother about this cost savings and suddenly she wanted a pair. So we went out this weekend, to a different Sears, and she got a pair. Plus, they had my size in the true navy. Now I have a pair in black and a pair in true navy and I just can't decide which to keep and which to return. I'm trying to figure out which color would go with more so I'm basically trying on every pair of pants I own to see which I like best! It's tough being a woman!

Day Two of 10 days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes:

What is my love number? Better question, what IS a love number?

Your Love Number is 4

You are a creative and expressive lover - a true romantic at heart.

An introspective soul, you know exactly how your ideal relationship should be.

But if you don't get that ideal, you tend to get a bit pouty and dramatic.

You need someone who can roll with the punches, that's for sure!

Best Super Bowl ad

I did forget to mention that my favorite Super Bowl ad yesterday was the blink-and-you-missed-it one for Late Show with David Letterman with David (as a Colts fan, of course) and Oprah (as a Bears fan, of course) snuggling on a couch. Dave says they both win because they are in love and Oprah reprimands him for talking with his mouth full of food. It's cute but to really enjoy is to know all the history between the two of them and how Dave openly campaigned to get Oprah on his show for years! Anyway, here's that clip.

Super Bowl Halftime Show

Prince performed at halftime during Sunday's Super Bowl and it seems to be the general consensus that he was one of the best halftime performers ever. So says this article and this one, and this one too. He WAS pretty goood, in my opinion, combining Prince classics like "Let's Go Crazy" and "Purple Rain" with classic covers like "Proud Mary" and "All Along the Watchtower." But, I have to admit that I was kind of distracted throughout his performance noticing that his suit didn't get wet at all, despite the nonstop downpour during his entire show (well, during the entire game). Whatever material his suit was made from has to be the most water repellant material known to man!! Here is a link to the performance on YouTube. (via)

Useful baking tool: Cake Lifter

For all those times you want to move the cake you baked to another locale, like off the baking rack and onto a pretty cake plate, here is a cake lifter from Williams-Sonoma. (via)

"Are Librarians Totally Obsolete?"

This is pretty rudimentary stuff that gets beaten into our heads in library school but for the general public, here is a list of 33 reasons why librarians are NOT obsolete... (via)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Day One of 10 days of Valentine's Day-themed quizzes:

Your Love Style is Manic

For you, love is the ultimate rollercoaster

And you love to hold on tight and enjoy the ride

Every time you fall in love, it feels like the first time

And while it's exciting and exhilarating...

It's also stressful and scary!

"Colts tame Bears for Super Bowl victory"

That headline (from Yahoo! Sports) says it all. Colts 29, Bears 17. I was a little off on my projected final score, but not by too much, eh?

None of the commercials stand out to me, other than the fact that every other commercial seemed to be for Budweiser or Bud Lite. Here are clips (or here) of most of the commercials, though, to watch again or for the first time. Is it just me or does anyone else struggle to remember to pay attention to the commercials? I'm so used to tuning out or fast-forwarding or running into the kitchen or whatever during the commercials that they are practically over by the time I remember that I'm supposed to be watching them this time!!

Super Bowl Sunday

Indianapolis Colts vs. Chicago Bears. For some reason, I'm not that interested in the game, even though I watched pretty much all of the playoff games. But I'm sure I'll watch most of the game today, if only for the commercials. Here's my prediction: Colts 27, Bears 21.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Cool site? Price Protectr

Price Protectr seems pretty cool... what it does is help you keeps tab on companies that offer a price protection guarantee.

Certain stores offer a price protection guarantee, meaning they'll refund the difference if the item goes cheaper elsewhere within a certain period of time (usually 30 days). But who pays attention to that once you buy an item? Well, this site will track that item for you and send you an email if that item becomes available elsewhere for a cheaper price. It seems pretty straightforward (although my explanation might not be). It's apparently limited to items you buy online, although as long as the item is listed online and has a referring URL, then I don't see why can't be included too, even if you bought it in the store. I'm going to try it on the television my parents just bought... (via)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy Groundhog Day!

Yep, it's Groundhog Day and apparently, Phil the Groundhog did NOT see his shadow and therefore, an early spring is on its way. Or whatever nonsense we are supposed to believe...

Draw a Pig personality test

I think I have done this in the past but I came across this site again that asks you to draw a pig and then tells you what your drawing says about your personality. And, how embarrassing, but I'm going to post the ridiculous-looking pig I drew for all to see, plus the results of the personality test... In my defense, I've never been good at drawing with a mouse. I think it would be better with a pencil or pen. However, the elements of what I drew are what are important for the personality determination. And, because of that, you should draw your own pig before you read my results!

Draw a Pig Personality Test

Click here for my test results!
You drew the pig:
Toward the middle, you are a realist. Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions. With few details, you are emotional and naive, you care little for details and are a risk-taker. With 4 legs showing, you are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals. The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are, the bigger the better. You drew medium sized ears, you are a good listener. The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life, and again more is better! You drew medium sized tail.