Thursday, March 23, 2006

Nielsen family

I got this postcard in the mail the other day telling me my household has been selected to be a Nielsen family! They promised a call within the next few days providing more details. I know it sounds a little goofy, but I've always wanted to have my television viewing tracked like that, mostly because I idealized that I would watch the shows that were about to be cancelled and change the network's minds. It's ironic that the time I get the chance is also when I'm a grad student with no money so I don't even have cable and barely get the standard five channels. Not to mention that I watch so little television these days...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Back to school

Last week was spring break and I guess I took advantage of it and did absolutely NOTHING during the whole week. I had an assignment due last Sunday and once I got that done, I decided the best use of my time would be to watch a lot of movies, read, drink alcohol almost every day and basically do nothing. It was actually a really nice break but kind of stupid on my part. I have a lot of homework due this next week or so and should have been trying to get ahead, right? I did manage to apply for a couple jobs over this past weekend, though, including what I really might call my dream job at NBC Universal. I want that job so badly!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Word of the Day: Poltroon


def: a spiritless coward: craven

Here's a word I've never heard before and is interesting to me. I have to say I've been pretty disappointed with my word-of-the-day calendar lately. Words like gargoyle, arbitrary, jubilate, stoic and shopaholic... these are the words that have come to my email the last week. Are these words new to anyone? I guess my expectations for a word-of-the-day calendar are too high!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's official...

I got my diploma in the mail yesterday!! I have to say that it was pretty cool to see my name on it and the whole 'Masters of Library and Information Science' on it.

Even if I am pursuing further education and am so bogged down by school...

Yay for me!

Saturday, March 04, 2006


I just read this book, Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, and in it she states that no one ever wants to hear your dreams unless they are in them, and while that might be true, here goes anyway...

I had this bizarre dream last night where I was in a class and apparently I had a group presentation due that day but had no idea until the prof called off the names of the students who were supposed to be presenting that day. I heard my name and was like "What?!" The group itself - which consisted of an unbelieveable 12 people, at least - had all met and organized the entire thing without trying to get in touch with me at all. And to top it off, they were mad at me for blowing them off. There was another gal who was in the group but had done nothing too and we both were just shocked. We had missed the assignment totally. It was very surreal as we stood in the front of the classroom for like 20 minutes while our groupmates pulled out all the posters and index cards and other presentation materials (more than you can imagine) that showed they clearly had done a lot of work while the two of us stood there with nothing to contribute. It was horrible, really scary to be so unprepared.

I woke up convinced that there is some missing assignment that I am forgetting somewhere. But I really don't think there is. So, I wonder what I'm forgetting then. The dream has to mean something, right?

The one really weird thing is that although the prof for the class was one of the IST profs here in my department (although not one I've ever had for a class), the presentation was all about health foods.