Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas movie review: Four Christmases

Rating: A-

A couple weeks ago, I was able to see a sneak preview of Four Christmases, which is another Christmas movie starring Vince Vaughn and is in theaters now. Alongside Vince, it stars Reese Witherspoon and I quite enjoyed their pairing. The story here is that Vince & Reese are like a perfect couple who don't get along too well with their families and don't want to get married or have children but are very content in their lives. They spend every Christmas holiday on a vacation to the beach. This year, however, massive fog ruins their plans and they end up on television when the news stations are broadcasting live from the airport. Next thing they know, their relatives have called and they must go to four Christmases: his dad's, her mom's, his mom's and her dad's. There's a lot of over-the-top goofiness but also some very funny moments. Vince and Reese both have their moments to shine and the supporting cast is pretty stellar (Jon Favreau, Kristin Chenoweth, Mary Steenburgen, Robert Duvall, Jon Voight, Sissy Spacek). Pretty much every bizarre type of family member that a person might have is represented here and spending time with all their family makes our two main characters question if their relationship really is ideal and if it has any longevity. So, it's not all light-hearted humor. Overall, I definitely enjoyed it.

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