Friday, November 16, 2007

Back from Chicago

I got back from Chicago a couple days ago (Tuesday night about 9pm) and am still so exhausted. Something about getting only about 5 hours of sleep each night there combined with standing on your feet for about 13 hours straight makes a person very very tired. It doesn't help that this has been a six-day workweek for me (had to work Sunday in Chicago) so I haven't exactly had time to catch up on sleep or even relax much.

Chicago was fun, though! I didn't get out to see much of the city but the hotel was pretty nice. I even had a corner room! I did catch up with a friend for dinner and also got to meet some of the members of our organization who I usually only hear on the phone or through email. I also like most of my coworkers who were also in Chicago. I went to dinner here one night and here another.

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