Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Failed another test

I probably didn't fail it, but I don't think I did too well on it either. This was another mandatory testing for a Librarian I position at the local county library system. The last test I took - for a different branch - was very heavy on the reader's advisory questions, asking to name authors in different fiction genres and to name books I would recommend as well as the title of the latest Harry Potter book. Since I didn't do as well on those topics as I might have liked, that is where I focused my studying before today's test. Oops. Apparently, reader's advisory is not important at this branch. All of the questions were on resources today. Name two print resources for medicine; name two print resources for music; name an online resource for biography and a sample question for which this source might be useful; name three ways one could find out the name of the president of Viacom; name three sources for legal information, particularly Ohio law, etc... Ugh, so I did not do well at all. I was not prepared to have to rattle off the names of dozens of different resources. I really do not understand this kind of testing. The only type of question that makes sense to me is the one about the president of Viacom, which is more about the process of finding the answer than rattling off the titles of a book or a Web site. I could have wonderful, useful, informative Web sites bookmarked on my browser and know how to use them but would not be able to tell you the exact name of them. Likewise, I could know very well how to find an answer to a medical question without knowing the exact title of the book that gives me the information. I find the whole testing process completely frustrating and aggravating and I suppose that it's good that I do not pass to the interview stage or I might be a bitter employee right from the start.

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